‘DATS’ The Life For Me!
PR Training.
Three months in, nine to go. I think its safe to safe this is no ordinary apprenticeship…it’s actually FUN!
With christmas 2014 just around the corner I knew I couldn’t wait around for a job to magically pop up, I had to work hard to secure something. I applied for this job as a social media whizz (which sounded ideal to me). The deadline for applications was early January and I applied start of December. Christmas came and went as did the New Year celebrations, before I knew it I had a phone call regarding the apprenticeship. I was invited to attend the bootcamp at The Juice Academy (the apprentice training provider) in the middle of January. Result I was getting somewhere.
The day of the bootcamp arrived. I was up early and out of the house to make it into Manchester City Centre for around 10am. I opened the door to what seemed like a million people all vying to be chosen for this opportunity. I got registered, took a seat, and it was at that moment, without me even realising, that I was about to start a new chapter in my life. The day consisted of a variety of tasks from; drawing a self portrait that describes yourself, making a vine that helps promote ‘The Juice Academy’ and even a speed dating session with the employers looking to find their social media star (speed dating with your potential boss?).
The tasks had been completed, the waiting had begun, and people were being called away. It was like The X Factor bootcamp with added stress because we weren’t watching it at home eating our takeaway we were living it. I got called up and in the room I was heading to I saw Daisy (my manager to be). I sat down and talked to Daisy about how the day had been, I got feedback…the usual interview stuff… then she offered me the job. I was thrilled!
Fast forward again but this time only a week and half and my life at Down at the Social was starting. I had no idea what to expect, what the people would be like, what kind of stuff I would be doing, never did I expect to be delivering pizzas on my first day. Yes that’s right…you read correctly…that is honestly what my first day consisted off. Our client Crazy Pedro’s is a pizza bar and had made some delicious looking pizzas for us to take and give to journalists to help drum up some possible reviews/press coverage. It was while doing this that I had fully grasped this wasn’t just your run of the mill boring office job. In the three months I have spent here I have done so much and everyday is so varied, its hard to feel bored or feel like you have nothing to do.
With 9 months to go God only knows whats in store but one thing is sure I can not wait to find out. If anyone has ever considered applying for a social media apprenticeship then take my word for it and just do it, it’s the best decision I have made in my life. There are always brilliant opportunities coming up for anyone that is willing to go out and find them! Who knows you could one day be in a job loving what you do just as much as me!