A national PR agency that loves and lives in the North


Brainstorms Don't Work

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A Better Way To Be Creative.

We’ve all been there… brainstorms can go one of two ways…

  1. a boss talks a lot and no one else does because they’re scared to make themselves look stupid or disagree with him or her,

  2. the loudest person in the room shouts out stupid stuff and everyone laughs and no one really achieves anything constructive.

Very rarely a really brilliant PR or marketing campaign comes out of a brainstorm – but i do mean very rarely.

The concept of lots of the best minds in your business coming together to solve a problem or work on a challenge is strong. Structured thought makes sense, sharing information makes sense but the key to a really good session is to work together but think independently.

It’s not a new idea – I learnt it from Jonathan Courtney founder of Berlin agency AJ&Smart, who learnt it from Jake Knapp and Google (read Sprint it’s great).

So we’re launching something called a WorkItOutShop which is a useful workshop – we’ll guide you through a step by step process to help refine your marketing processes and solve business problems in just a day.

It might be to explore what your business stands for (a USP or brand message), to plan the launch of a new product or to inform a social media strategy.

The problem could be as broad as a marketing strategy for a year or as small as a month long campaign for an anniversary year and what SocialShop will do is help you bring together the best brains in your business to build a roadmap that you can walk out of the room and use right away.

Why do you need us? You could just read the book – yes you could, I did. What we offer is PR, marketing and social expertise which we can feed into your planning.  We will also provide an impartial voice to help you review and plan.

Plus we will guide you through the process to make sure you stick to it and make the most of the time.  We’ll keep you off your phones for starters!

Want to know more? Give us a call now and we will talk you through the process to make 2020 your best year yet.
